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- Anurag Babu has been wandering since 2003 one way or another across Asia, North America, and Latin America.
- Solo Traveled as a backpacker, digital nomad, expat, foreign student, volunteer, hitchhiker, and business traveler.
- My travel philosophy –
- Traveling is about feeling not seeing.
- Traveling is getting into an unknown, exploring it, and then letting go off it.
- Traveling is not a numbers game.
- A snapshot of my travels:
- Lived and worked in rural India for over 2 years and felt over 5,000 Indian villages.
- Lived as an expat across North and South America for 10 years.
- Backpacked across Latin America and Asia for over 4 years.
- Drove over 200 KMs through a jungle on a 10 year old motorcycle to see a Tiger.
- Rented an island in Hondurous for 3 days for 25 US Dollars.
- Stayed in Punta Allen, Siaan Kaan, Mexico for 3 months and conducted wellness retreats.
- Taught meditation, yoga, and English to indigenous children in Latin America.