The benefits, claims, naming and branding, schedule, recommendations, suggestions, and all information mentioned on the website are only opinion of our company. We do not claim to be experts in any information mentioned on the website. All products, information, and services by our company are for educational and informational purposes only.
There is no scientific proof, scientific research or clinical studies conducted about the benefits, claims, results, information, products, and services mentioned on the site.
Any scientific study and claims in any part of our website is not conducted by our company and are not related to our products and services. They are mentioned based on the general information we have found on internet in news, blogs, articles, and other websites on internet about meditation. They are mentioned for information and news purposes only. We do not claim any responsibility for the verification or correctness of those studies and results claimed. We do not have any affiliation with the organizations and persons who have claimed to conduct those studies. We encourage users to investigate about those studies and take their own decision. We do not claim that our products, services, or information is related to those studies in any way.
We do not guarantee that user will receive any benefits or claims mentioned about the products, services or any information mentioned. Even if user receives any benefits or claims, we do not guarantee the time period for which the user can sustain those benefits even if they follow the program or use any information, products or services of our company. Any benefits and claims on this website are only opinions of our company. There is no assurance that user will do as well or receive any benefit or claims in any area of users life.
Where specific success examples are used they are attributed to an individual. There is no assurance that user will do as well. Any and all claims or representations, as to success, benefits or claims on this web site, are not to be considered as guaranteed results and there is no assurance that user will receive those benefits or will be satisfied by using our products, services or any other information.
Benefits and claims in areas mentioned could incorporate a lot of other factors on which we have no influence and we do not claim to be experts in any of those areas and do not take any responsibility. We have no way of knowing how well the user will do, as we do not know the user, we do not have any control or claim any authority, expertise, recommendation or responsibility on users background, users other behaviors and practices, users professional and personal environment, users medical history, users family background and any other influence on user. We do not claim any responsibility about any area of user’s life. Therefore we do not guarantee or imply that user will have any benefits or claims in any area mentioned by using our products, information, or services.
Benefits and claims mentioned have unknown factors, situations, and circumstances which we do not claim to have any control and we do not claim to have any recommendations about any area of users life. Making decisions based on any information presented in our products, services, or web site, should be done only with the knowledge that user could not get any benefits or claims mentioned.
Use caution and seek the advice of qualified professionals, check with the doctor, psychiatrist or professional advisor, before acting on any information, products, and services of our company.
Users of our products, services and web site are advised to do their own due diligence when it comes to practicing, purchasing or using any or all information, products, and services of our company. User should independently verify all information by users own qualified professionals. Our information, products, and services of our company should be carefully considered and evaluated, before reaching any decision.
Any person or organization mentioned on our website is solely for educational and informational purposes only. We do not have any affiliation with any person or organizations mentioned on the website.
By using any information, products, and services on our website, you agree that our company is not responsible for any results or expectations related to any information presented by our company, or our company products or services.